Let's be perfectly clear about one thing: nothing exists outside of truth. Whatever you want to call truth -- The One, Love, God, Goddess, The Force, Divine Good, Zero Point Field, or Consciousness -- it's all that really exists.
One. Singular. Nothing more.
Anything that appears to be separate from the one vital force of the universe is illusion. Better yet, it's a very real permutation or wave of energy that, somewhere along the line we decided to grab on to and embrace -- and then embellish. A germ of an idea that seems separate from The One -- but isn't. Yet it seems so deliciously separate -- and human's egos are so deliciously creative and demanding -- that we permit our egos to create symbols to bring this energy into form and stories to make them seem more real.
This attaches us nearly inextricably to our bodies and who we think of as our selves -- and then it takes most of us our entire lifetime to untangle the stories and remember that it's totally impossible to be outside of truth.
This attaches us nearly inextricably to our bodies and who we think of as our selves -- and then it takes most of us our entire lifetime to untangle the stories and remember that it's totally impossible to be outside of truth.
But you can do some things to make sure you stay more and more saturated and grounded in Truth.
Have you ever meditated or sat watching a sunrise or sunset and suddenly realized that time seemed had seemed to stand still -- and you were really, really engaged in the moment? Or maybe you came out of a special moment and thought to yourself, Wow, where was I? It felt as if everything just stopped!
Those moments are you being alone with you; and through practice you can make them a daily part of your life. Feeling the Oneness between yourself and the universe can be the norm and not limited to those special moments you spend your life hoping to experience again.
Practicing a daily routine of yoga, meditation, prayerful silence, spending time with nature, and a multitude of other simple spiritual endeavors can help.
Don't wait for your next holiday to experience your Oneness -- open up the doors today and know that you can have them all the time -- and for the rest of your life!
Here are some books that helped me on my own personal daily quest!
- A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume
- Emptiness Dancing by Adyashanti
- Practicing the Presence of God: Learn to Live Moment-by-Moment (Christian Classics for Today)
by Brother Lawrence
- Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing (The Enlightenment Trilogy)
by Jed McKenna
- TM - Transcendental Meditation: A New Introduction to Maharishi's Easy, Effective and Scientifically Proven Technique for Promoting Better Health, Unfolding Your Creative Potential, and Creating Peace in the World
by Robert Roth
- The Disappearance of the Universe: Straight Talk about Illusions, Past Lives, Religion, Sex, Politics, and the Miracles of Forgiveness
by Gary Renard
And here are some others that are on my "to read" list!
- Quiet Time: A Guide to an Effective Time Alone with God by Jerry Evans
- Earth's Echo: Sacred Encounters With Nature by Robert M. Hamma
- Meditating Selflessly: Practical Neural Zen by James H. Austin
- We Are All One: Meditations on Unity in the Zero Point Field by Nury De Vincent
- Yoga for Anxiety: Meditations and Practices for Calming the Body and Mind by Mary and Rick Nurriestearns
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