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Friday, October 7, 2011

This Moment

At this moment in time, I am gratefully singular!
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Neglectful Me!

I've been asleep at the wheel these last few weeks -- recovering from the massive hurricane, I suppose!  Anyway, here's some catch-up via my friends at Facebook!

October 6, 2011
At this moment in time, I am gratefully singular!

October 5, 2011

8:52 a.m. -- One Stunning Day! Enjoy!!!

10:28 p.m. -- A true visionary passes over. I heard the news on my iPhone.

May the Force be with you, Steve.

10:33 p.m. -- Class act, Google. Thank you.

October 2, 2011

Wow, this sure resonated with me ... !
A video meditation on all the stuff I've bought trying to "fix" myself, rather than Taking the One Seat.

September 30, 2011

‎"It's better to die to who we think we are before who we think we are dies." -- Thomas Vieira

September 29, 2011

To Mull Over Today:

Spirituality for those suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder: We Are All One.

If you experience duality (good vs. bad, Spirit vs. Ego, right vs. wrong) you forgot to take your meds.

Best medication for this? Meditation, or its ilk.

September 28, 2011

1:57 p.m. -- Just had to get away from my computer for a bit. Going to see Contagion — at Regal Gallery Place Stadium 14.

7:35 p.m. -- Came here because they're one of the few restaurants that I know that serves beef liver -- only to discover that this landmark before-theater cafe is closing it's doors on September 30. I am bummed; sometimes there is just TOO MUCH CHANGE in life!!! — at Playbill Cafe.

8:28 p.m. -- Wow, it's raining Cheshire Cats and poodles outside the restaurant window. That's what happened last time I came here. Does my coming here (Playbill Cafe) cause rain or do I think of beef liver when rain is in the forecast???? Either way I'll be tripping over matted fur-balls on the way home. Oh growl.

September 20, 2011

More on this Ft. Lauderdale feather to come. Anybody recognize the Floridian bird from which it may have been gifted.

September 17, 2011

This settles it! Boar's Head Liverwurst available at Publix 'cross street from Wilton Station (Ft. Lauderdale). I'm seriously considering moving!

September 13, 2011

First Lunch in Ft. Lauderdale — with Sal Rinaudo at Georgi's Alibi Corporation.

September 12, 2011

9:24 p.m. -- Must get sleep. Must get sleep. I'm leavin' on a jet plane in the morning for Ft. Lauderdale. The GREAT thing about freelancing and working online. Will do my best to send snapshots as I wend my way through my days. The spirit in me recognizes the spirit in YOU.

9:27 p.m. -- Happy full moon everybody!!

September 11, 2011

1:44 p.m. -- Coming home for one day. THEN, to where the sun keeps shining through the pouring rain. — at DC2NY Bus.

8:53 p.m. -- I went to see the musical, "The Book of Mormon," in New York City on Thursday night and have been in a dancy, sing-songy mood ever since! (It was a birthday gift.) I highly recommend you go see it and take me with you! (YES, it's THAT GOOD!)

September 10, 2011

8:52 a.m. -- Steeped in the countryside of Woodstock, NY, thinking with gratitude of all the wonderful birthday wishes I received from friends near and far. I AM SO BLESSED by you all!!! Thanks so much for being there!

10:06 p.m. -- Met a nice man on the street in New York City yesterday who mentioned A Course in Miracles; then in Target in Woodstock today a cashier replied to me, "You sound sooo A Course in Miracles!" 1/2 hour later I found a really interesting book on ... A Course in Miracles. So many coincidences. Right? RIGHT???!!!

September 9, 2011

Wending my way through a sleepy New York morning. Awaiting friends whereupon it will become a Woodstock afternoon, early evening. Must write today or the gods will be after me!

September 7, 2011

8:11 a.m. -- I am being overwhelmed this morning by all the birthday wishes ...

9:19 a.m. -- All these birthday wishes are warming my cockles. GREETINGS and THANKS y'all. 

{{{{{{{All my fabulous friends.}}}}}}}

5:07 p.m. -- Gym was awesome. It's the pool I was in when the earthquake struck. Every time I go in there now, I wonder what's going on in the non-liquid world!

Still reeling from all the love coming way here on Facebook today!!
GRATITUDE is my middle name!

8:55 p.m. -- Dinner at Nellie's Sports Bar with Thomas Rae Southall was DELICIOUS ... and I stayed on my low-carb diet, heh heh. 

9:15 p.m. DC2NY bus tomorrow to the Big Apple to meet Talia Mana in Central Park and then off to see "Book of Mormon." Zooming the next day to Woodstock where R&R awaits. Sadly, no gym and scrumptious fooderies for two days, sigh. Will have laptop so will stay in touch, oh yeah.

Have I expressed my appreciation TO YOU ALL today? Thanks so much -- for being there!
10:37 p.m. -- There is an endless net of threads throughout the universe...

August 31, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011 9:10:30 a.m. -- A New York Times article is headlined, "Hurricane Cost Seen as Ranking Among Top Ten." The lede describes Hurricane Irene as most likely to prove to be one of the 10 costliest catastrophes in the nation’s history. 

August 29, 2011

9:59 a.m. -- Feeling adventurous, frolicky, and fit-to-be-tied with glee. Must be the let-up after a week of earthquakes and hurricanes! Lalalalalalalalala!!!

12:20 a.m. -- Spent the night surveying the damage by walking the streets from known bars and restaurants. It was far worse than you can imagine. 

How could you, God, how could you?
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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!

The Hurricane Blog
[ The Day of Our Lord (who I'm holding personally responsible
for all natural accidents and errors in spelling and grammar),
August 27, 2011]


Wednesday, August 31, 2011 9:10:30 a.m. -- A New York Times article is headlined, "Hurricane Cost Seen as Ranking Among Top Ten."  The lede describes Hurricane Irene as most likely to prove to be one of the 10 costliest catastrophes in the nation’s history.

Yours truly is wondering if this includes the billions and billions of dollars spent on the media blitz that scared the pants off most of us -- but which, thankfully, kept the news media professionals working overtime and the advertising revenues flowing.

Interesting phrase to use -- most likely -- denoting more conjecture than fact.  This is true of all the so-called "news" these days -- it's not really news.  Just speculation about what might, could, or should happen, really just designed to sell newspapers and air time.  And then there's the extra, value-added perk of putting fear into the hearts and souls of the audience.  See this witty and insightful article, "Fear In Advertising: How to Make People Buy Your Stuff By Scaring the Crap Out of Them."

But fear can be so addictive, right?  I mean, hour-by-hour, day-by-day (etc. etc. etc.) I promise myself to keep the TV turned off and the Internets tilted way from the news channels; but find myself peeking at the drivel over and over again.  

I can't seem to help myself; I'm like the child who loves to be scared-to-near-death by monster movies -- just as long as mommy and daddy are nearby for protection.  Except that as an adult, mommy and daddy are nowhere to be found, and there's no one who can protect us from the spooky stuff.  They're under my bed, they're in my closets, and now they're selling me politics and items I'm told I can't possibly live without.

It's easy to remember the sage words spoken March 4, 1933, by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt at his first Inaugural Address:

"The only thing we have to fear is fear it'self - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified, terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."

But for myself, I prefer the more simple and succinct German proverb that advises us that:

"Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is."  

Good words to remember, as I put this thread to sleep. 

See you at, during, and hopefully after the next calamity!!!!



12:12:44 a.m.  -- Spent the night surveying the damage by walking the streets from known bars and restaurants.  It was far worse than you can imagine.  Here are just two photos ... I couldn't bear to snap any more.  My hands were shaking and my heart was torn asunder.  How could you, God, how could you?

Fallen Soldier on 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC
The Horror, The Pain (14th Street, NW, Washington, DC)

6:35:10 p.m. -- My survey of the damage between my home in the U Street Corridor and Court House in Arlington, Virgina is complete.

There were twigs and acorns everywhere.  It sickens me thinking back on such calamity.

I will have nightmares for the rest of my life, no doubt.

9:05:04 a.m. -- Woke up to the devastating realization that my electricity had blinked out during the night.  Just enough to shut down my air conditioning but not long enough to cause that crazy blinking in the clocks of my alarm clock, microwave oven, stove, or coffee maker.  You think you're safe in life and then when you least expect it, horrific and unexpected things can occur.

Without air conditioning my dreams were swathed in heat and humidity.  The reporters on CNN are now describing the reasons why their deadly forecasts were averted (wrong) -- and still trying to hype the storm's assault on New York City (it was just reduced to a tropical storm.). The reporter on TV is still trying to describe the what-ifs and what-could-have-been scenarios; what would have happened, she's asking, if the Holland Tunnel had filled with water.  (I'm wondering what would have happened if she'd actually attended journalism and news-gathering school. LOL!)

VIEW OUTSIDE MY WINDOW:  The nightmarish sun has just come out -- it's fierce yellow color surrounded by clouds tinged in gray and blue.  The Washington Post man is standing in front of the St. Augustine Catholic Church is negotiating a sale with a solitary person. 

Here's the latest blurb showing on TV ... "Rain Begins Falling in New York City."  The two commentators are arguing about the severity of the storm.  He's saying the storm has just been downgraded to a tropical storm, and she's arguing that it can't be true and she feels she should be allowed to say she survived the hurricane in New York City!

"I just have to say there's still going to be tremendous flooding!" she pouts.

The truth is that they all got a lot of this nightmare wrong; but they can sleep soundly knowing that, in spite of their fear mongering and drama, they'll still get their pay checks.  Like doctors who get the diagnosis wrong, the consumer is still expected to pay them for their BS degree-certified opinions.

I'm heading out to Virginia today so that I can view the vast devastation that hit the area between my home and Clarendon.  God help me in my journey -- there's always a possibility that a wheel will fall off my train and we'll be delayed for an hour or two.  Zounds!


"I think we fared quite well.  The storm could have been a lot worse." -- Mayor Anthony Williams, Washington, DC



polly nose flicked against my window.  Leaves are stirring just a tad.  Sadly, my eyelids are getting heavy and I can't decide whether it's natural exhaustion or the awesomely life-draining jabber-wabber spewing from the newscasters who are masquerading as actual news women and men.  Fortunately, we all know that actual news -- balanced and accurate and fit to print -- no longer draws in enough ad revenue or supports politicians; so this blather is the next best thing.  Ahhhhh, what the heck.  It's all good.  I woke up this morning with air in my lungs and my heart beating strong -- so the day has been perfect for me.

10:29:17 p.m. -- A reporter on MSNBC was just describing all the things that possibly, might, maybe could happen as a combined result of the earthquake earlier this week and the hurricane threatening us this evening.  This includes the Washington Monument -- which was cracked -- breaking and/or toppling over.  Keep in mind, this is all make-believe, conjecture, or fairy tales.  For myself, I want you all to know that my fairy tale is that when I go to sleep tonight, I might possibly maybe will wake up surrounded by handsome young men offering me smiles and gobs of gold bouillons.  Oh yes.

 7:47:20 p.m. -- Fell asleep watching The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer as he yelled on and on and on about "this monster storm."  The mayor of Washington, DC is on now saying he fully expects the President to approve emergency aid to the city.  THANK GOD, as it's getting really dark outside and I'm afraid that the sound of the gentle pelting of rain on my window will keep me awake -- which will require an emergency procedure to wake me up in the morning.  Intravenous caffeine, I hope.

3:28:56 p.m. -- Rain drops on my window.  This is bad.  I can't keep count of them there are so many.  Rain everywhere!  It's a deluge.

2:43:13 p.m. -- The sun is out; the sun it in; the sun is out; the sun is in.

2:08:30 p.m. -- Had that tingly feeling you get on your lip just prior to a cold sore outbreak; walked into bathroom and checked the mirror.  OH MY GOD!!  I do have a cold sore developing.  The stress of this storm is killing me.  Outside, all is calm.  Fortunately for the world, CNN is keeping up the pragmatic fear level. 

12:58:23 p.m. -- Had to close windows -- which were open just a tiny bit.  Rain blew in on my window sills.  Armageddon has begun.


I'm going to be blogging throughout the day in the hopes of keeping the rest of the world informed about our fate here in the Nation's Capital.  Hurricane Irene is bearing down on the East Coast and we, in Washington, DC, are still reeling from the deadly earthquake of several days ago. 

Personally, I've stocked up on all the necessary supplies: toilet paper (for a half-year) and liquor (for a day or three months, depending upon the number of guests I have in the next few days/months; a week's supply of red meat (my vegetarian and vegan friends are on their own); cash for when the electricity (in other words, ATMs) go dead; gasoline (I don't have a car so I guess this is to burn the dead bodies resulting from the calamity; clean clothes; and candles (in case this goes into my birthday next week and I have to celebrate alone).

Things I forgot to tend to were water (bathing or drinking); extra sleeping pills and Viagra just in case pharmacies close forever; batteries; flashlight; and ice cooler for ice and food.  I'm sure there's more.

Oh well, sigh.  Anyway, here goes the blog -- which will have current entries on top.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

It seems as if we decided somewhere along the way to take a rest from our natural place of love, light, and bliss

It seems as if we decided somewhere along the way to take a rest from our natural place of love, light, and bliss -- to come into this world of sadness, havoc, war, grief, and pain.  But those are merely the perceptions of this world generally foisted upon us by others.  Let go of the awful world of your senses and see beneath the form where all is perfection.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The bottom line is that there is only ONE

The bottom line is that there is only ONE -- no ifs, ands, or buts.  You can't have it both ways; the Universe's way and your way.  THAT'S not one.  

You don't get that choice; you only want to think you do.  But you don't.  

The universe offers you the one perfect existence -- and you can take it or die trying to have something else.  Most die trying -- but not before kicking and screaming along the way.

There is only One!

When are you going to get used to it, embrace it, and utilize this absolute truth?
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The bottom line is that there is only ONE

The bottom line is that there is only ONE -- no ifs, ands, or buts.  You can't have it both ways; the Universe's way and your way.  THAT'S not one.  

You don't get that choice; you only want to think you do.  But you don't.  

The universe offers you the one perfect existence -- and you can take it or die trying to have something else.  Most die trying -- but not before kicking and screaming along the way.

There is only One!

When are you going to get used to it, embrace it, and utilize this absolute truth?
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Forgiveness is the ultimate letting go ...

Forgiveness is the ultimate letting go -- the deepest letting go you can do.  Coming to realize that since we're all one, nobody, no place, and no thing can work against us.  It's impossible.  

So give up the grudge and embrace the enemy.  

Embrace your fears, embrace your sicknesses, embrace your worries, and even embrace your reluctance to let go.

Besides, most of what you think you have to let go of never even happened.  Nine times out of ten it's just your ego messing with your serenity.

So take a deep breath; forgive it all; and exhale with a huge, loud sigh of relief.

And then go out and really, really, really enjoy your day!
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy Rapture, Y'all!

[As you read this, please keep tongue planted firmly in cheek.]
Or just a new beginning?
Between thee and me, I know the world is an illusion. (OK, so all my nearest and dearest friends already know that quirky aspect of me!).

As such, I know that the reports of the impending end of the world were illusory hogwash.

And, although this does not bode well for the END OF THE WORLD 2012, I must say this .... the non-ending of the world is also illusory hogwash.

End, non-end, good, bad ... it's all part of the egoic story! 

And you can't shine hogwash!

If Harold Camping was correct in saying that the sinners would all perish and Jesus was coming back to take away the good people (he wasn't correct, as of 11:03 p.m.), I am delighted to say that I am one of the sinners left behind

As are, I suppose, are all the partiers, lovers, haphazards, ne'er-do-wells, and plain folk that I saw lingering and strolling on Connecticut Avenue, 18th Street, and U Street this evening. 


Does this mean all plans are off for the morrow?



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Embrace your shadow away ...

Amidst the furious fun of life, serious shadows may stalk you with bags full of worry, doubt and fear.  Their brows will be furrowed ... which indicates that they feel your pain.  

But what they really feel is their own agenda, to weigh you down with form and other illusions -- and to lead you down streets that go no where.  

Cheerfully decline your shadow's maneuverings with a loving embrace and a look of knowing.  Then cast your own universal light on to your shadow and send it back to the world of imagination where it belongs.

Worry, doubt, and fear are nothing.  Do not imagine them into being.  Stick with the furious fun of life; it will never do you harm.
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Why you should consider buying through DREAMWalker Group: Explained

Simply put: my website at DREAMWalker Group provides an easy way for people to use the companies from which they normally buy books (and other items) -- with a twist.  

I take 40% from my commissions and use that to sponsor literary events and literary organizations. 

This isn't a gimmick -- though is sounds gimmicky! -- but it IS a way for all of us to give back to the suffering literary community.  I show right on my homepage how much I've currently earned and how much of that is slated for the literary community.

Let's face it: the literary community is under siege.

The Dying Bookstore Business Model (by The Electronic Author — News and Information for Self-Publishing, Site of Author Wallace Wang) explains better than I can right, here and now, what's happening now to and in the literary/commercial world.  It's terrible.  Small local bookstores -- the ones where you can actually browse or sit down and read part of a book -- are fast becoming a dinosaurs, or worse -- deceased.

And it's particularly horrific for bookstores that cater to specific groups -- such as travel bookshops, educational bookstores, and LGBT bookstores (see Gay Bookstores: A Dying Breed – an article by Jesse Monteagudo.)  

Heck, even the big ones are going under!

Now I'm not going to get all high and mighty and say I don't use or other online stores to buy my stuff -- because I'd be lying big time.  In my busy world, where I'm self-employed and trying to ilk the most productive time out of my day, it's just easier to buy on line and have a package waiting the next day.  That's the plain and simple truth.

Long story short: we're running out of options.  Pretty soon the only place to buy will be online.  Sad, unbelievable, unconscionable, unfair?  I guess it is what it is, so ...

Knowing that I'm probably no different than a lot of other folks, I decided to just make the items available on my website -- and then return 40% back to the community -- my community -- which is primarily the literary community.  Sure, others could use the money, but the authors, editors, publishers, and bookstores are really hurting.

I can't know for sure -- but I'm guessing the big companies aren't giving 40% back to causes -- any causes (except, possibly, political ones).  We can -- and ought to.

So please buy your things on my site -- and you have my promise to give 40% back.   And visit me daily to see how my numbers are doing!  Your visiting will help Google search engines, etc., find me.

Remember, 40% of $100 is only $40.00 back to literary causes; but 40% of $1,000,000 is $400,000.00 ... money literary causes could really, really use -- and soon.

The rest of the money will go to helping maintain this site and pay my mortgage, food, and running my small business.  One I reach a certain income ceiling -- say $15,000 -- I'll change the percentages and give even more to literary causes.  And dedicate my own time to writing more!

So please consider using my site to help authors, editors, publishers -- at least this way the money will be going back home.

Thanks for your consideration -- with gratitude,

Michael Walker
DREAMWalker Group
Washington, DC

p.s.  Incidentally, I also do completely-free-of-charge web profiles on my site for authors -- contact me so I can set your up today!
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You can experience Truth all the time!

Let's be perfectly clear about one thing: nothing exists outside of truth.  Whatever you want to call truth -- The One, Love, God, Goddess, The Force, Divine Good, Zero Point Field, or Consciousness -- it's all that really exists.

One. Singular.  Nothing more.

Anything that appears to be separate from the one vital force of the universe is illusion.  Better yet, it's a very real permutation or wave of energy that, somewhere along the line we decided to grab on to and embrace -- and then embellish.  A germ of an idea that seems separate from The One -- but isn't.  Yet it seems so deliciously separate -- and human's egos are so deliciously creative and demanding -- that we permit our egos to create symbols to bring this energy into form and stories to make them seem more real.  

This attaches us nearly inextricably to our bodies and who we think of as our selves -- and then it takes most of us our entire lifetime to untangle the stories and remember that it's totally impossible to be outside of truth.

But you can do some things to make sure you stay more and more saturated and grounded in Truth.

Have you ever meditated or sat watching a sunrise or sunset and suddenly realized that time seemed had seemed to stand still -- and you were really, really engaged in the moment?  Or maybe you came out of a special moment and thought to yourself, Wow, where was I?  It felt as if everything just stopped!

Those moments are you being alone with you; and through practice you can make them a daily part of your life.  Feeling the Oneness between yourself and the universe can be the norm and not limited to those special moments you spend your life hoping to experience again.  

Practicing a daily routine of yoga, meditation, prayerful silence, spending time with nature, and a multitude of other simple spiritual endeavors can help.

Don't wait for your next holiday to experience your Oneness -- open up the doors today and know that you can have them all the time -- and for the rest of your life!

Here are some books that helped me on my own personal daily quest!

And here are some others that are on my "to read" list!

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    Monday, May 9, 2011

    Your actions are part of the Universe's intentions

    Do you really think that at the end of the day, anything that transpired that day was outside of God?  How can that even be possible?  It can't be.  Let go of your very human fears that you can somehow oppose the will of the Universe.  You can't.  Your actions are part of its intentions.  And ALL is well.
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    Friday, May 6, 2011

    The Importance of Forgiveness of Self and Others

    It's hard to understand that saying you ought to let go can be a form of holding on!  

    Or that the universe of eternal energy probably doesn't even notice if we're love addicts, meat eaters, bleached blonds, sex fiends, vegans, Buddhists, lesbians, dog lovers, or Madison Avenue executives -- no more so than the sun notices if you hit the snooze button one too many times before getting out of bed.  

    But our tiny little selves -- our egos -- notice.  Not a day goes by that the ego isn't trying to tie us in tight knots to the earth and all its heavy rules.  And it does this mostly by tricking us into judging our friends and enemies for doing the very things we hope we won't do, are afraid to do, or have been warned we'd better not do (but sometimes guiltily wish we could do.).  

    Step away from all that self-judgment and judgment of others; meditate, take a walk, hook a rug, make some soup.  Do whatever inspires your own Higher Self to sing -- and forgive the world for being what somebody else told you it shouldn't be.  

    Take reality into your arms, embrace it, and make it a world of love and forgiveness.  Observe the illusory dark energies and the ego chatter -- and effortlessly let them all go.  Breathe deep and invite forgiveness of yourself and others to clear away the baggage of the future, present and past.  

    Forgiveness really is the answer; and it begins with self-love and, then, love of others.
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