I've been asleep at the wheel these last few weeks -- recovering from the massive hurricane, I suppose! Anyway, here's some catch-up via my friends at Facebook!
October 6, 2011
At this moment in time, I am gratefully singular!October 5, 2011
8:52 a.m. -- One Stunning Day! Enjoy!!!
10:28 p.m. -- A true visionary passes over. I heard the news on my iPhone.
May the Force be with you, Steve.
October 2, 2011
A video meditation on all the stuff I've bought trying to "fix" myself, rather than Taking the One Seat.
September 30, 2011
September 29, 2011
Spirituality for those suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder: We Are All One.
If you experience duality (good vs. bad, Spirit vs. Ego, right vs. wrong) you forgot to take your meds.
Best medication for this? Meditation, or its ilk.
September 28, 2011
1:57 p.m. -- Just had to get away from my computer for a bit. Going to see Contagion — at Regal Gallery Place Stadium 14.
7:35 p.m. -- Came here because they're one of the few restaurants that I know that serves beef liver -- only to discover that this landmark before-theater cafe is closing it's doors on September 30. I am bummed; sometimes there is just TOO MUCH CHANGE in life!!! — at Playbill Cafe.
8:28 p.m. -- Wow, it's raining Cheshire Cats and poodles outside the restaurant window. That's what happened last time I came here. Does my coming here (Playbill Cafe) cause rain or do I think of beef liver when rain is in the forecast???? Either way I'll be tripping over matted fur-balls on the way home. Oh growl.
September 20, 2011
September 17, 2011
September 13, 2011
September 12, 2011
9:27 p.m. -- Happy full moon everybody!!
September 11, 2011
8:53 p.m. -- I went to see the musical, "The Book of Mormon," in New York City on Thursday night and have been in a dancy, sing-songy mood ever since! (It was a birthday gift.) I highly recommend you go see it and take me with you! (YES, it's THAT GOOD!)
September 10, 2011
10:06 p.m. -- Met a nice man on the street in New York City yesterday who mentioned A Course in Miracles; then in Target in Woodstock today a cashier replied to me, "You sound sooo A Course in Miracles!" 1/2 hour later I found a really interesting book on ... A Course in Miracles. So many coincidences. Right? RIGHT???!!!
September 9, 2011
September 7, 2011
9:19 a.m. -- All these birthday wishes are warming my cockles. GREETINGS and THANKS y'all.
{{{{{{{All my fabulous friends.}}}}}}}
5:07 p.m. -- Gym was awesome. It's the pool I was in when the earthquake struck. Every time I go in there now, I wonder what's going on in the non-liquid world!
Still reeling from all the love coming way here on Facebook today!!
GRATITUDE is my middle name!
8:55 p.m. -- Dinner at Nellie's Sports Bar with Thomas Rae Southall was DELICIOUS ... and I stayed on my low-carb diet, heh heh.
9:15 p.m. DC2NY bus tomorrow to the Big Apple to meet Talia Mana in Central Park and then off to see "Book of Mormon." Zooming the next day to Woodstock where R&R awaits. Sadly, no gym and scrumptious fooderies for two days, sigh. Will have laptop so will stay in touch, oh yeah.
Have I expressed my appreciation TO YOU ALL today? Thanks so much -- for being there!
10:37 p.m. -- There is an endless net of threads throughout the universe...
August 31, 2011
August 29, 2011
12:20 a.m. -- Spent the night surveying the damage by walking the streets from known bars and restaurants. It was far worse than you can imagine.
How could you, God, how could you?
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