It's hard to understand that saying you ought to let go can be a form of holding on!
Or that the universe of eternal energy probably doesn't even notice if we're love addicts, meat eaters, bleached blonds, sex fiends, vegans, Buddhists, lesbians, dog lovers, or Madison Avenue executives -- no more so than the sun notices if you hit the snooze button one too many times before getting out of bed.
But our tiny little selves -- our egos -- notice. Not a day goes by that the ego isn't trying to tie us in tight knots to the earth and all its heavy rules. And it does this mostly by tricking us into judging our friends and enemies for doing the very things we hope we won't do, are afraid to do, or have been warned we'd better not do (but sometimes guiltily wish we could do.).
Step away from all that self-judgment and judgment of others; meditate, take a walk, hook a rug, make some soup. Do whatever inspires your own Higher Self to sing -- and forgive the world for being what somebody else told you it shouldn't be.
Take reality into your arms, embrace it, and make it a world of love and forgiveness. Observe the illusory dark energies and the ego chatter -- and effortlessly let them all go. Breathe deep and invite forgiveness of yourself and others to clear away the baggage of the future, present and past.
Forgiveness really is the answer; and it begins with self-love and, then, love of others.
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