During our time on the planet Earth (if we're lucky), we create (manifest) experiences that will enable us to remember who we are and to afford ourselves the opportunity to rid ourselves of some of the baggage. Sometimes they are in the form of feelings of déjà vu; sometimes they result from physical or psychological trauma; and sometimes they spring forth as we encounter something pleasing in nature. A beautiful sunset, a cloud moving past the sun "just so", or the feelings that emerge for many as dusk settles into night.
Then, suddenly, we are aware. Our eyes open briefly and a small, still notion speaks. It probably isn't in traditional words, but rather a slight, twinkling of recall. Brief, but strong enough to shake us to our roots. Then this remembering might vanish for years.
For some, grace or tragedy or prayerful meditation will bring these states of remembrance on. Then, through diligent practice, they can be experienced more consistently. Through perseverance, this can turn into a more grounded knowing. The realization (or making real) of the idea that this state -- once a fleeting feeling -- is home.
Once we arrive home -- once we pass through that portal -- there is no turning back. Never again do we see Mother Earth quite the same way. Now, all of nature is brilliant and beautiful. All the things we once saw as fearful are recognized as illusion.
The universe, of which we are a part, now conspires with us rather than against us. The scales of fear and falsity drop away and each day seems a fresh start.
This is the way once you have returned home.
This is the way it is.
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Simply beautiful and so true.
Thanks so much for the comment! I just figured out that people have been leaving comments but I haven't been getting notified. Sorry about that! I guess I'm still working on figuring this all out! I'm pretty sure I'll get contacted now; and I'm using this as my primary blog, too!
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