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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Suffering is Optional

When you look in a mirror, you're looking at your ego. What else could it be but your little self -- all frazzled, all hungover, all disgruntled, all wrinkly, and all starving for acceptance. You're seeing the ego's easiest tool for making humans feel separated from themselves, others, and The One.

Cherish the miracle of having a body with which you can live a joyous life and help others; turn your back on the idea of it being a perishable container for your soul. Your body is an illusion created by your ego and your soul is immortal and divine.

Tend to the illusory body -- eat nourishing foods, meditate, dance under the stars -- and its service as a human soul container will seem easier; be careless -- overindulge, burn the candle at both ends, live in fear of your shadow -- and you body's expiration date will undoubtedly be moved up some and you will physically suffer. At which point your ego will surely have won.

Suffering is optional -- it's your choice. Accept the aches and pains and sorrows offered by your ego as your reality or say , instead, YES! to life and good health and prosperity and happiness.

Give up the fight where there is no need to fight. Learn to go with the flow, let go of the illusions, and accept your Oneness with the fabric of the universe.

Do these things so you can finally remember that all is well.
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