I have this website that has profiles of authors and links to their books at Amazon.com -- as well as information about the author, contact info, links to other books with similar subject matter, lists of the writer's favorite authors, and more.
I provide these profiles free of charge -- one reason being to increase traffic to my site.
Why free? Because whenever a person clicks on amazon.com links at my site, I get about a 5% commission. Now you might be thinking:
Remember, when you go to the amazon.com website to buy your books and other items -- they give nothing to anyone in return (that I know of). Nada. Zip. Nothing.
Buy the exact same book, record, lawn mower, or any other item using one of my amazon.com box or links on the site, and I donate 40% back to literary causes!
I've been building this site for nearly ten years and my dream has never changed. Each year I have sponsored or donated to Lambda Literary and the Saints and Sinners Literary Festival. But that's just not enough. I want to be able to do more.
Can you help? Can you make my website and this unique idea go viral?
Thanks for your support!
Share this post :I provide these profiles free of charge -- one reason being to increase traffic to my site.
Why free? Because whenever a person clicks on amazon.com links at my site, I get about a 5% commission. Now you might be thinking:
- That's a lot of money for me (it's really not, see my site's earnings from 2000-2010).
- That's not fair -- because shouldn't the author be getting the commissions?
Well, I do wish the author was getting more of the commission; so (and this is my second reason for providing the profiles for free) to make up for that, I decided to give 40% of every commission back to the literary community in the form of sponsorships to literary events and support of literary organizations. With the hope that if ever I made more money at this, I would also like to offer scholarships and awards to writers.
And that's where you come in.
With your help, I could do that. If enough people came to my site, bookmarked, and used the amazon.com box or links on the site, and did nothing else at all -- I would be able to give back more and more.
(And in my wildest dreams I could do the math and say ... "think about it; 40% of $1,000, 000 is $400,000 back to the literary community. And frankly, once I pay my mortgage every month and get some food in me, I'd probably donate even more. That's just the way I am.)
Remember, when you go to the amazon.com website to buy your books and other items -- they give nothing to anyone in return (that I know of). Nada. Zip. Nothing.
Buy the exact same book, record, lawn mower, or any other item using one of my amazon.com box or links on the site, and I donate 40% back to literary causes!
I've been building this site for nearly ten years and my dream has never changed. Each year I have sponsored or donated to Lambda Literary and the Saints and Sinners Literary Festival. But that's just not enough. I want to be able to do more.
Can you help? Can you make my website and this unique idea go viral?
- Visit DREAMWalker Group and look around. Hate what you see? Let me know; I'm a solitary guy and could use your technical advice.
- If you're on Twitter (I'm @AwakenedMan), tweet the following (or something similar) to everyone you know who buys books:
Free author profiles at http://tiny.cc/2rnpv. I donate 40% of Amazon.com commissions to literary causes. Plz visit-retweet
- Befriend me on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/DreamwalkerDC) and talk about my plan. Tell all your friends.
- Follow me on LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/michael-walker/4/495/b24) and talk about my plan. Tell all your associates.
- Look at our earnings from 2000-2010 and realize this has been my labor of love. Please help me turn it all around now and really be able to give back!
Thanks for your support!
1 comment:
Michael, what's your Amazon Associates code? Please email it to me or just post it here. This would help me to construct proper URLs so that I can help get Dreamwalker Group some additional affiliate commissions.
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