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Thursday, April 28, 2011

How engaged do you want your ego to be?

If you're still here on the planet, then you're ego is engaged.  Which ain't necessarily a bad thing, now, is it?  But on a scale of one to ten, how engaged do you want it to be.  Step back and witness your ego and ALL its permutations.  

To be is not necessarily just to be.  Sometimes it's to be and be happy and be sad and be angry and be lonely and be upset and be ill and be amazed and be inscrutable and be fabulous and be embroiled.  

That's all "being" human; just don't take any of it so seriously that it make you're forget you're divine.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Feeling Scruffy is a Compelling Wave of Ego Energy

Even the most enlightened of individuals wakes up feeling spiritually and emotionally scruffy at times.  This should be taken as proof that the ego is working overtime.  Scruffiness is merely one more compelling wave of ego energy.  Witness it and let it go -- even if it clings on for an hour or a day.  Let it go over and over again until it's gone.  

Remember, only love exists in the universe and any thing (or person or place) that suggests otherwise is a shadow sense of separation cast by your ego.  

Embrace love, let go of fear, and know that all is well.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Enlightenment has less to do with finding your way and more about not having to look for it anymore.
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Monday, April 25, 2011

Oneness or Duality? The "choice" is yours to make.

You have a choice either to accept that there is duality and watch the world spring up around you in all its myriad forms -- and then engage those forms with weak laughs, whimpering cries, vociferous protests, anguished hurts, and righteous indignations); or you can realize that only One exists.  

That outside the One there is nothing that is so important it's worth losing precious sleep over.   

Embrace your Oneness or embrace duality.  Live in the One world of love; or the dual world glued together by the knowing fear of separation. You can't have it both ways.
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wow. Easter Sunday is upon us!

Wow.  Easter Sunday is upon us! A day to celebrate the end of our accepting the illusions of the ego.  Know today that all is wonderful -- that the dreary, dark days of winter are passed and past.  Spring, in all its glory, is our experience now.  Rebirth, growth, optimism, freedom.  THIS is what it's all about!
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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Suffering is Optional

When you look in a mirror, you're looking at your ego. What else could it be but your little self -- all frazzled, all hungover, all disgruntled, all wrinkly, and all starving for acceptance. You're seeing the ego's easiest tool for making humans feel separated from themselves, others, and The One.

Cherish the miracle of having a body with which you can live a joyous life and help others; turn your back on the idea of it being a perishable container for your soul. Your body is an illusion created by your ego and your soul is immortal and divine.

Tend to the illusory body -- eat nourishing foods, meditate, dance under the stars -- and its service as a human soul container will seem easier; be careless -- overindulge, burn the candle at both ends, live in fear of your shadow -- and you body's expiration date will undoubtedly be moved up some and you will physically suffer. At which point your ego will surely have won.

Suffering is optional -- it's your choice. Accept the aches and pains and sorrows offered by your ego as your reality or say , instead, YES! to life and good health and prosperity and happiness.

Give up the fight where there is no need to fight. Learn to go with the flow, let go of the illusions, and accept your Oneness with the fabric of the universe.

Do these things so you can finally remember that all is well.
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Friday, April 22, 2011

One Day You Wake Up and Realize the Battle Is Over

One day you wake up and realize the battle is over.  You recognize the chiding of your ego as the useless, pathetic over-reaching fear that it is.  Friends think you've lost yourself and you smile, knowing they are right.   Gratitude and wonder fill your days.  Every minute is joy and every moment a clean slate to be filled with hope, expectation, and knowing.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bring the darkest part of you home

Think of the deepest, darkest part of yourself that you can at this moment, that hidden piece of you that nobody can ever know.  Now imagine accepting it as a wonderful part of the puzzle you have become.  That deepest, darkest part of you is a little child just hoping against hope to be loved, too. Put your arms around that frightened part of yourself -- it's been orphaned long enough.  Embrace and dissolve your fears with love and bring all your splintered parts home.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Imagine ...

At your disposal, right this minute the universe is awaiting detailed instructions from you. What kind of life do you want? What sort of things do you intend to achieve? Only your imagination can limit you. Now is the time. Speak the words, I pray you.
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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Daily Quote: Why I meditate

People ask me why I meditate and I tell them it's so I can tweak my presence in the here and now. Without meditation, all my parallel worlds -- the worlds of possibilities -- get entangled and I can feel lost. Meditating grounds me -- but not before I've picked and chosen the best of all possible parallel universes.
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

OK, I get it ...

Okay.  I get it; you get it; and the man in the moon gets it, too.

We're one with God.

Piece of cake, pass me the potatoes.

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You came from that ... so embrace it!

Reality is pretty malleable -- once you get the hang of it.  The toughest part is not buying into the ego's persistent claims about how you have to accept an unhappy life.  Get yourself quiet enough to see beneath the ego's illusion and tap into the beautiful, peaceful, and empowering essence of the universe.  You came from that -- so embrace it for all to see. 
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Friday, April 15, 2011

I can see clearly now ...

This morning I am at one with the Universe and the pollen.  I witness the pollen, scratchy throat, swollen eyes, and persistent cough.  My body is merely my ego in physical form doing its best to distract me.  Today God/dess uses Claritin to help me see the Light and, as usual, I know all is well.
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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Not Rocket Science

There is nothing outside of The One. No thing. No person or place, either. This sounds like it might be -- but isn't -- Rocket Science.
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Monday, April 11, 2011

Inspired Plan That Involves YOU

I have this website that has profiles of authors and links to their books at -- as well as information about the author, contact info, links to other books with similar subject matter, lists of the writer's favorite authors, and more.

I provide these profiles free of charge -- one reason being to increase traffic to my site.

Why free?  Because whenever a person clicks on links at my site, I get about a 5% commission.  Now you might be thinking:
  • That's a lot of money for me (it's really not, see my site's earnings from 2000-2010).
  • That's not fair -- because shouldn't the author be getting the commissions?
Well, I do wish the author was getting more of the commission; so (and this is my second reason for providing the profiles for free) to make up for that, I decided to give 40% of every commission back to the literary community in the form of sponsorships to literary events and support of literary organizations.  With the hope that if ever I made more money at this, I would also like to offer scholarships and awards to writers.

And that's where you come in.

With your help, I could do that.  If enough people came to my site, bookmarked, and used the box or links on the site, and did nothing else at all -- I would be able to give back more and more.  

(And in my wildest dreams I could do the math and say ... "think about it; 40% of $1,000, 000 is $400,000 back to the literary community.  And frankly, once I pay my mortgage every month and get some food in me, I'd probably donate even more.  That's just the way I am.)

Remember, when you go to the website to buy your books and other items -- they give nothing to anyone in return (that I know of).  Nada.  Zip.  Nothing.

Buy the exact same book, record,  lawn mower, or any other item using one of my box or links on the site, and I donate 40% back to literary causes!

I've been building this site for nearly ten years and my dream has never changed.  Each year I have sponsored or donated to Lambda Literary and the Saints and Sinners Literary Festival. But that's just not enough.  I want to be able to do more.

Can you help?  Can you make my website and this unique idea go viral?
  • Visit DREAMWalker Group and look around.  Hate what you see?  Let me know; I'm a solitary guy and could use your technical advice.
  • If you're on Twitter (I'm @AwakenedMan), tweet the following (or something similar) to everyone you know who buys books:

    Free author profiles at I donate 40% of commissions to literary causes. Plz visit-retweet
  • Befriend me on Facebook ( and talk about my plan.  Tell all your friends.
  • Follow me on LinkedIn (  and talk about my plan.  Tell all your associates.
  • Look at our earnings from 2000-2010 and realize this has been my labor of love.  Please help me turn it all around now and really be able to give back!
With your help, I can do what other sites like aren't doing.  I can give back to our community.

Thanks for your support!

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Bloodletting or Spirited Ride to the Stars?

Someone told me recently to just let my words bleed out on the page -- as if that was a good and practical thing (admittedly I was working on a piece-for-hire that I had negligible interest in writing at the time.).

The idea left me with images of me lying in a pool of swollen and red words, sentences tattered from emotion, and a completed piece bereft of life. "He was a good author," someone would say, "It's too bad it had to end this way."

Really? Should I bleed out on a page? Or should I find the right vehicle, the write platform for my words? So that instead of needing a bloodletting, the words would effortlessly sparkle out of me and carry me to the stars?

Bloodletting or a spirited ride to the stars?

Is there really anything to think about?

I think that finding the right vehicle for life -- whether we're writers or mathematicians or beauticians or computer programmers -- is the most important task we have. It's easy to find a niche or group of like-minded people; we do that by getting jobs all the time. And because it's a job and we're getting paid, then we have it all. But all we really have is a niche.

How often did or do you find yourself just dying to get out of bed so you can go to your niche? Be with the people who do what you do? Last year, a CBS poll found that only 45 percent of Americans are satisfied with their work.

That statistic leads me to think that, in general, the masses are just trying to figure out a way to bleeding out on the page! Just make it through another day. Convinced of the words of people like my mother (who was a master of settling for what society was best for her): Just be glad you have a job!

Instead of just bleeding out on the page -- or finding a way to put a band-aid on an unpleasant life situation -- I suggest we all find that rocket ship of inspiration that will fly us out of Dodge. That each of us do what American mythologist and author of The Power of Myth Joseph Campbell suggested: Follow your bliss. Campbell wrote:

"If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are—if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time."

Don't settle for the bloodletting theory of doing things, the I just want to shut my eyes and get this over with notion.

Find that something that will not only cause you to spring out of bed in the morning; it will hoist you off this ordinary planet and push you into the stars.

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

ReFirement Has Sure Proven To Be Interesting

I have to say, reFirement has sure proven to be interesting.

(For those who missed my earlier blog entry, reFirement is my term for the charged up sense I got when I left my wonderful old job and was astounded by all the amazing new life opportunities I discovered were waiting for me.)

Not only am I busier now than I think I've ever been in my life -- but I'm happier. And it's not because of some huge pension (ha!) or because I spend all my time sitting by a pool (I'm not, but wouldn't mind doing so!).

It's because I've found ways to keep myself both busy and inspired.

  1. First of all, there's my website, DREAMWalker Group. This is a massive site I began with the express purpose of creating a web of authors. The theory was that people could go to this hub -- readers and writers -- and locate information about authors.

    At DREAMWalker Group, I provide:
  • Free profiles for each writer along with contact information,
  • A historical listing of their books (with links to encourage book buying),
  • Links to other authors in the same subject field, and

    (as they say on TV)

  • Much much more! (See a sample of what YOUR free profile could look like here.)

    I think that the best thing about the site is that every year I take 40% of the commissions I make and give them back to the literary community. I do this by making donations to organizations or by offering sponsorships to their events.

    In previous years I've done this for Lambda Literary and the Saints and Sinners Literary Festival. I encourage you all to donate to them, too, by going to the Lambda Literary and the Saints and Sinners Literary Festival sites, respectively.

    (If not those groups, please donate to your own favorite literary or arts cause right now!)

    Authors who want a free profile at DREAMWalker Group should write me at; I'll be happy to set one up for you!
  1. When I'm not working on DREAMWalker Group, I'm tinkering around over at Awakened Man. This site is another hub -- but one that's all about me. On it I provide links to the various ways I try to keep even busier -- and pay my mortgage .

    They include (but are not limited to):

I create a safe space to provide healing, learning, & transformation. Energy, body, and soul work on an individual basis.

Social Media Management
I'll update your website news/blog entries, manage/update your LinkedIn, Facebook, & Twitter accounts, and encourage the acquisition of new followers/fans.

Writing/Editorial Services
Specialties include features, humor, new age, nonfiction, spirituality, and website development.

I'll tell you one thing good about reFirement. It keeps me busy and it keeps me out of trouble. And it's all achieved without medication!

Just the occasional hop, skip, jump, and whistle to let the world know I'm here!

Thanks for your incredible support everybody!
You're all awesome!
Michael Walker
Washington, DC

Me @ Social: Facebook Foursquare LinkedIn Twitter
Me @ Website: Awakened Man DREAMWalker Group

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Nothing can feel more lonely than when a path seems to end and you're standing all alone in the awe or fear of what comes next. But you are never alone and only the ego wants you to believe the path has ended.

That is the fear part.

The enlightened part of you understands that there is no end -- no beginning, either.

The awakened part of you KNOWS that Spirit, The One, Intuition, God/dess is ALWAYS there to hand you the baton that YOU will carry to the end of yet another path or journey.

Then, no doubt -- and if you are human -- you'll have forgotten momentarily once more, and will juggle with fear and awe.

Remember to always choose awe over fear and you will know that death is nothing more than the continuation of the same incredible path you're already on.
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Sunday, April 3, 2011