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Friday, January 13, 2012

Just a Sleepless Dream

I meant to post this from my Facebook account yesterday, but sometimes life moves faster than I am able!

Fortunately, I do eventually get around to paving my Road of Good Intentions!


This morning I awake from the tossing, and turning, and sleepless night dream which portends a day to follow filled with dark things and a lack of zeal. For sleeplessness underscores my body's need for something that it thinks is separate from God/dess. I expect that lack of sleep is somehow detrimental to my well-being. 

But my body is not real; it is my ego's greatest tool to distract me from the truth of the only thing that is real about me: my Inner Self. 

My little, frightened ego waves sleeplessness (or threatening headlines, a mild headache, my thinning hair, or a death in the family) in front of me like a pick pocket waving a newspaper; its aim to deflect my attention from the truth of who and what I am.

But years of experience with the false prophet (ego) enables me to turn my back on it and merely watch it -- knowingly -- from the corner of my eye. Sneaky ego -- you want me to forget that I can awaken from all the dreams (and layers of dreams) and merely allow Peace to carry me above them.

I choose to awaken today; I choose to remember that I awakened yesterday; I choose to remember that I will be awakened tomorrow.

All is well.

[Note: As I progressed through the writing of this piece, the sun burst through the gray clouds here in Washington, DC.]

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