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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Response to a Friend's Facebook Posting

A friend of mine recently posted a note on Facebook. Here's the note and my response.

There are times when I know I should be praying but I'm not. When I remember it again, my first prayer is of thanks. It's just automatic; that's the first prayer that hits my mind. It's what I pray when I receive the Eucharist, too. Anybody else have that mindset?


A good way is to pray without ceasing. Just make it part of your 24/7 as best you can. Stay conscious of the divine being you are -- one connected to God --who adores you just as you are.

Imagine yourself nestled in His caring hands. Continually comforted. Constantly loved. You're human -- the universe knows that and -- so don't beat yourself up for feeling the ups and downs of your humaness.

Your life is unfolding exactly as it should; and expressing gratitude for that is probably appreciated more by God than anything else.

Having a cup of tea that you love? Smile and love the smell because God gave it to you. Enjoying a sunset? Thank God. God fired from a job? Be grateful for the lessons learned and because something miraculous is right around the bend.

(Your friends love you, too.)
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