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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Unsettling Dream

I am living in a New York City apartment -- or staying at a New York City hotel.  My sisters and maybe my mom are there, too.  We hear explosions and yelling, so I look out the window.  Up in the sky, I see what looks like the Mayan Calendar drawn in the sky in blood red jet streams.  But then I realize it is a circular image that includes words.  The words are slogans -- things like "Peace is at hand" and "Joy through the World."

I call my mother and sister to the window and they also have a look.  I have a souring feeling in my heart because it seems as if something important and wonderful is happening.  I sense there is joy everywhere.

Then, all of a sudden, I notice that one of the cars going by has a passenger with a gun.  He points it at a person in one of the neighboring windows and pulls the trigger.  I don't see what happens because I get out of the window and duck down.  But a dark realization quickly filters into my brain.  I yell for my family to get out of the window and duck.  They do and we hear gunshots ringing out.  Then there is a really big explosion and the window blows in.

It seems as if Doomsday has come in the guise of peace and love first.  I wake up feeling pretty sad and disillusioned.
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