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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Comment on Facebook from Sal Rinauldo

"I had trouble posting on the Blog but here is what I wasted to say, The way your post started off reminded me of a quote I came across recently by Wayne Dyer, “Maxim for life: You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you.” I would alter the quote just a little and say You get treated in life the way you teach the Universe to treat you."

My response: Yes, people will treat me exactly the way I expect them to treat me -- so I guess you could say you've "taught" them to do that. I've seen this notion played out over and over again in my own life.

But I don't believe I have to teach the Universe a thing. It knows me better than I think I know myself. And it will mirror back to me anything I put into it in the way of thoughts, prayers, or expectations -- including misery.

-- Focus on unhappy things ... the universe without a doubt will provide me with opportunities to be unhappy.

-- Focus on dreadful body issues (e.g. weight, aging, disease, hitherto unknown to mankind aliments, etc.).

-- Focus on fear, and fearful situations will present themselves over and over and over again.

Clear yourself of the rubbish you have been taught about your terrible lot in life, the reasons you should expect bad things to happen, and the notion that good things will only come to you if you behave in a commendable manner (the way you're supposed to behave according to "them") -- but that those good things will only come to you after physical death and in galaxy far, far away (heaven? hell?)

Oh, and by the way, the ego knows all about this and often uses the negative thought system to rail against us and assure that the things we put into the universe are fouled. This is how your ego operates against us.

What this all means is that with practice (minute-to-minute, daily, weekly) we can use our own and the universes's co-creative abilities to make the world we want. Share this post :
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Unknown said...

OK, I will try again.

Unknown said...

The way your post started off reminded me of a quote I came across recently by Wayne Dyer, “Maxim for life: You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you.” I would altered the quote just a little and say You get treated in life the way you teach the Universe to treat you.

Michael Walker said...


Keith said...

Makes a lot of sense, I really needed to read this today! I'll work more on the positive and the good!